About Us

YFX Lawyers is a boutique law firm conveniently located in the heart of Auburn CBD, 2 minutes walk from Auburn Train Station and 50 meters of the Auburn Central Shopping Centre.
We provide a broad range of legal services and specialise in Conveyancing (Property and Business), Lease (Commercial and Retail), Family Law Matters (Divorce, Parenting Application, Property Settlement, Prenuptial Agreement), Wills and Probate, Power of Attorney, Enduring Guardianship and Debt Recovery.
We assist our clients with all kinds of Criminal Law Matters, whether for Court Appearance, Mention, Hearing, Sentencing, or Bail Application, Committal Hearing, Trial and Appeal.
Lawyers of our firm are members of Law Society NSW entitled to practise as Solicitor and Barrister of the Supreme Court of New South Wales as well as the Federal Court and High Court of Australia. Our Aim is to achieve highly satisfactory results for our clients with reasonable costs.
Why Come to Us?
We maintain high quality of service with emphasis on client needs, coupled with confidentiality, integrity and trust.
We aim to keep the law simple for you by explaining your legal situation in a manner which is precise yet straightforward and understandable. In all situations, we are a firm that believes in the concept of honesty and being upfront with open lines of communication.
We provide practical and innovative solutions for our clients to minimize the risk and obtain their best interest.
We pride ourselves on being your friends in law that will always listen, care and champion your case. Our goal is to help individuals, families, businesses and corporations meet their objectives and solve their legal issues through efficient and assertive representation.
We are proud of our prompt services. We call you as soon as we can and keep you up to-date with the progress of your legal matter(s). We stride to meet your expectations.
We keep you updated and informed every step of the way.
We have access to the most proficient barristers who can assist in achieving the best possible outcome based on your case.
We are attracting a growing number of clients as we are truly multicultural, and flexible. Our commitment to clients is available after hours, weekends and at emergencies.
How We Work?
Most of our clients initially contact us by telephone or email. We always (unless there is a serious legal emergency that needs our immediate assistance) provide estimates of our costs and an outline of the general terms on which we act for you before we start working on anything. This means you can contact us for a discussion knowing that you will not get an unexpected bill.